Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeArts & CultureTunes Review: Radiohead—King of Limbs

Tunes Review: Radiohead—King of Limbs

Grade: A-

Lucia Savchick, Arts Contributor


Radiohead has once again reinvented themselves with their eighth studio album The King of Limbs, which appeared online for download Feb. 18.

The album seems at first to be a continuation of In Rainbows, but on second (and third, and fourth) listen you realize it is really like nothing of theirs you have heard before. Radiohead keeps to the feel-good, enveloping sound that is so characteristic of their music, but this newest creation is considerably heavier on percussion and synthesized, erratic beats. You won’t hear any guitar riffs here, either.

Kicking off with “Bloom,” this track layers Thom’s soothing voice over a weird experimentation of sporadic electronica and chilling brass, and the first half of the album for the most part follows this theme. “Morning Mr Magpie” particularly stands out as an instant favorite, along with “Lotus Flower” and “Codex.” The last four tracks are considerably softer and loftier, like the sleepy “Give Up The Ghost,” and may remind you more of their earlier work.

Fans may be disappointed at the brevity of the album—it clocks in at a mere 37 minutes. Luckily though, the album comes packed with goodies. If you can afford the “newspaper album,” you’ll receive an instant download as well as a CD and two vinyl records, along with several pieces of large artwork and 625 little pieces of art.

The album is rich in references to Northern European mythology and forest giants, and inspires theories on whether the last track, “Separator,” is really a precursor to a second half. There is nothing to do but revel in the mystery, and rack your brain for what they could possibly come up with next.


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