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Memoirs of a frosh

memoirs of frosh
Photo by Angela Gzowski

How to survive the week-long party



After moving in your stuff and saying goodbye to your parents, it’s time to get down to the real reason you’ve come to university: to meet people and party like it’s 1999!

But university is completely different from any experience that you’ve had before. Your mum and dad aren’t around to pick you up from a party if things go wrong, and there is always pressure to go further than you may feel comfortable.

The first thing to remember is that O-Week is dry. Yes, it’s going to be the most fun of your life, but all of the events being put on by your student union and residences are alcohol-free.

Fountain House RA Melanie Gillis says that her first priority is “keeping (students) safe.”

Ultimately, the best way to stay safe during O-Week is to keep it dry,” she says. “There are so many awesome events planned, and the best and safest way to experience all of them is staying super-awesome and dry at the same time!”

Despite this rule, some people will still choose to drink during O-Week.

In this case, it’s important to know your personal limits. That way you can stay safe and healthy and enjoy the whole week, because you only get one as a frosh.

One issue that is often overlooked due to Halifax’s size is walking alone at night. During last year’s frosh week, Halifax Regional Police received 86 calls from the central Halifax area alone, ranging from improper driving to assault.

“Never go anywhere alone, remember to use your bus pass, and you can always use Tiger Patrol, Dal’s free-to-use, student-run walk home and patrol service,” says Gillis.

Off-campus, the party doesn’t stop. Some of the best times in your university life may occur at a friend of a friend of a friend’s house.

However, it is important to stay safe, even in a house full of people. Unlike downtown clubs, houses do not have security, and poor decisions can lead to a great night becoming a nightmare.

Know where you’re going and how to get back. You don’t want to end up separated from the one person who knew how to get back to residence. It’s also important that others have heard of this party. If it’s something no one knows about, there’s likely a reason for that.

Look after your friends and they’ll look after you. If you think that your drink has been tampered with, or you suddenly find people randomly encouraging you to chug when you have barely any drink left, just don’t drink it.

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