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Insights into a Frosh

Students enjoy Wickwire field. Photo by Pau Balite.

The Dalhousie Gazette set up a booth at the field party in the Studley quad Sunday afternoon to kickoff Orientation Week for incoming Dal frosh. We tasked  frosh students who came by our booth with writing mini-articles about whatever crossed their mind as they embark on a new stage of their life.

This is some of what we received:   


“I love roarientation and Nicole!” –Liz MacKay

“I love roarientation and Liz!!” –Nicole MacLean

“Teacups eat hippos. Deal with it.” –Sarah Coley

“This is all new and sort of confusing.” –Erica Abraham

“Dalhou–see you there.” –Nick, Scott, Marcus, Saiko, Robinson, and Howie

“Waterfights are dangerous,” –McKenzie Peatch

“There’s a lot going on, it’s a little confusing, but lots of fun.” –Amanda Godfrey

“It’s extremely moist, but it’s but it’s going to be fun.” –Nour Elhousseiny

“I love water fight!” –Riddhi Shavna.

“The water fight was an amazing addition to the frosh week activities! Hope to see it here again next year and hopefully it is even bigger and more wild.” –Lee Mitchell

“This place is wicked awesome, really the cat’s meow.” –William Coney

“My grass stain is a badge of honour, field party!” –Jeremy Mulrale

“The excitement in the air is ri-donc-ulous!” Chris Toulany

“Chris Toulamy is such a fly guy, he’s a real ladies man.” –Brennan Staples

“Orientation is awesome!!” Sarah Donaldson

“I’m loving frosh week! I already had someone sing “See You in September” to me!” Josh Gummett, star of “See You in September

“I want to be a journalist!” –Jessica LeNoble

“Frosh week is going to bust your balls.” –Pete Bannard

“I’m from England and I’m loving my time in Canada so far!” –Gemma Anderson

“There’s a lot of girls, and I like it a lot.” –Adam Bobskie

“I liked the healthy options.” –Allie Conway

“They told me to write five to ten words.” — Sam Begelfor, Staff Contributor

“Frosh week is going to bust your balls.” – Pete Bainard


Dylan Matthias
Dylan Matthias
Dylan served as Editor-in-chief of the Gazette for Volume 144. He was the Sports Editor for Volume 143.

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