Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHow to choose the right elective

How to choose the right elective

Dal is strike free this month. Photo by Calum Agnew
Make schooling easier by taking an easy class. (Calum Agnew photo)

Quite often you find the terms “first year” and “pre-req” used within the same sentence. When entering a new program, you’re told that it is mandatory for you to take a select number of required classes. They do, however, give most students a little bit of wiggle room.

I’m here to help out with that.

Most of your first year pre-req classes will seem long and even overwhelming. The ideal elective is a class you look forward to throughout the week. It should keep you engaged and hopefully teach you something you wouldn’t expect to get out of your university degree. We all love to see that GPA go up from a class we enjoy, too.

Here are a few suggestions of interesting (and easy) Dal electives.

  • Human Sexuality (HPRO 4412)
  • Photo Journalism (JOUR 3060)
  • Geology (ERTH 1080)
  • Managing Organizational Issues (MGMT 1000)
  • Intro to Computer Science for Non-Majors (CSCI 1200)
  • Video Games: Story, World and Play (ENGL 2085.03)

Just remember: it’s not too late! You have until the end of September to drop a class that you’re currently registered in. Take a week to shop around, and sit in on any course that interests you.

Graeme Benjamin
Graeme Benjamin
Graeme is the Gazette's Sports Editor. He was the Assistant Sports Editor for Volume 145.

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