Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeArts & CultureBOOK: The Martian (2011)

BOOK: The Martian (2011)

With the movie out Oct. 2, it seems like high time for a review of The Martian – the book, that is.

Let me just say, as a university student I probably identified with this book more now than I would have at any other point in my life.

The first line is “I’m pretty much f*cked.” and I, for one, have never met a university student who hasn’t thought that at least once.

Straight up, this book was hilarious. We have all at some point or another had to rig together some ridiculous nonsense to do something that would be easily accomplished by someone with some proper supplies.

C’est la vie, when one is a student. However, Mark Watney on Mars reaches a level of inspired ingenuity that would put even the most creative student to shame. Of course, he’s doing it because it’s life or death (though I’ve met students who would claim that being able to cook Mr. Noodles without a kitchen is also a matter of life and death.)

Also, space is cool. Water was recently discovered on Mars, so maybe we’re only a few years away from sending humans out there to hang out (I volunteer as tribute.) If that’s the case, then reading this is almost academic, really, like studying future science.

So, put aside your physics textbook and read The Martian instead this weekend, and you’ll be able to be the pretentious douche who says “The book was better!” while walking out of the theatre this weekend.


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