Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeArts & CultureOne-day resolutions

One-day resolutions

After all, change comes slowly and deliberately


If you’re like me, you’ve never understood the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. It’s always the same thing: eat healthier, start going to the gym, etcetera. Nothing ever comes of it, of course. A lasting change needs more than an obligation to fulfil some New Year’s ritual.

So, I present an alternative. One Day Resolutions. A few simple suggestions that only take a day or less and which could blossom into a more lasting habit.

1) Recreate your favorite restaurant dish: Without looking up any recipes or how-to’s, try and recreate your favorite plate. Experimentation in the kitchen can be fun and rewarding.

2) Take a martial arts class: Why get hung up over the gym? There are heaps of places throughout the city where you can practice martial arts or stop by for a drop-in lesson. It’s a great alternative way to get fit and hone your reflexes.

3) Build something for your home: A spice rack or a shelving unit, try picking up a couple supplies and getting to work. With Halifax’s Tool Library now up and running, it’s never been easier to get into the DIY spirit. You should probably check with your landlord before knocking down any walls.

4) Get on a bus to anywhere: Don’t pull out Google Maps (right away). Just sit back and take a short ride to a spot of the city you’ve never seen before.

5) Forget your phone at home: Just leave it behind. It can look after itself, don’t worry.

6) Catch up with a family member: Choose somebody from your extended family at random and send them an email.

7)Meditate: Try 20 minutes of mindfulness. It’s healthy and a great stress reliever. There are plenty of “walk- through” meditation guides available online.

8)Try being the sober one: Don’t drink during a night out. Remind yourself why it is that you’re out (it’s probably for your friends, not the booze).

9) Get coffee somewhere new: I seriously doubt that you’ve been to every coffee shop in Halifax.

10) Write something down: Try journaling for a day – even a page will do. Putting pen to pad will help you make sense of any mess.

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Mat Wilush
Mat Wilush
Mat Wilush once went to see Agent Orange on the outskirts of Toronto, where the beer was salty and drunken teenagers took turns sitting in a prop electric chair. The music had aged poorly. A mohawk’d middle-ager danced through the first couple songs, but quickly tired out. There just isn’t much room for surf rock in the world anymore. What next? Mat Wilush wants to know. Mat is the Gazette's Arts Editor. Follow him on Twitter at @wilushwho and email him at arts@dalgazette.com.

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