**Second workshop of the Tuesday Take-Off Series**
Join us to learn how to think on your feet and pitch your ideas!
Dalhousie Entrepreneurship Society (D.E.S.) and University Innovation Fellows are piloting a student-led workshop series around entrepreneurship and innovation this Fall. This certificate program aims to bring together talented people from all programs, faculties and walks of life to help them develop innovative solutions for real-world problems.
Starting September 20th, DES will adapt a different topic each week and host a workshop to give hands-on experience to the participants, so they can start thinking like innovators and entrepreneurs. Each workshop is designed to give participants knowledge and skill-set to start working through their ideas and become the entrepreneurs and innovators of the future. Throughout the series DES will offer online and in-person support to the participants, to help them get their businesses or projects off the ground .
Join us in the Collider (second floor Killiam Library room: 2600) on Tuesdays for an interactive and creative night of learning all about Entrepreneruship and Innovation.