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Gazette LogoTurnitin replacement goes live

For over a month Dalhousie profs and students have been living without a plagiarism watchdog, but no more. On Oct. 11 SafeAssign, Dalhousie’s answer to the hole left by TurnItIn, was activated.

SafeAssign is run by BlackBoard Learning Systems, the same company that is used to power My.Dal. According to their website, assignments can either be uploaded by students to a SafeAssign folder on their course website or professors can upload work without student participation.

The platform then checks assignments against other submitted documents, their own database of assignments, publicly accessible work on the Internet and the ProQuest database.

Dwight Fischer is the vice president of Information and Technology Services at Dal. He says it’s too early to tell how the system is working or how many professors use it.

Homecoming teams up with Light the Night

On Oct. 22 Dalhousie Homecoming attendees will be walking in the Light the Night fundraiser, put on by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.

The Halifax level of the society is the charity of choice for this year, and Dal Homecoming is listed as a gold level sponsor already.

Light the Night participants will be walking with illuminated coloured balloons; red for supporters, white for survivors and patients and gold for those walking in memory.

The fundraiser aims to eradicate blood cancers. Participants will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. on the North Commons.

Mona Campbell designer wins architecture award

Susan Fitzgerald Architecture, founded by and named for the designer of Dal’s newest building, has won this year’s Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture. The award is given out by The Canada Council of the Arts and includes $50,000.

Fitzgerald is also a graduate of Dal’s master of architecture program and a seasonal professor in the department.

The prize awards architects and their firms for all of their creativity and starting works. Fitzgerald will be using her award money to fund her own research project, traveling throughout Central and South America to explore architectural possibilities.

Her project focuses on the ways in which landscape, agriculture and architecture interact with each other.

Mobile food truck on Studley campus

The bright yellow food truck parked next to the Studley quad last week is here to stay – just not necessarily in the same spot.

For the most part, the truck will stay where it is, beside the Studley Gym, serving Turkish, Greek and Lebanese food. However, it can also move around to serve other food at other events when needed.

My Three Cousins, the Dal-owned joint operating out of the truck, said in an interview with DalNews that they use all local food and include halal options.

The menu started small on Oct. 12 but as new power sources are added My Three Cousins will work up to its full serving potential.

Torey Ellis
Torey Ellis
Torey was the Copy Editor of the Gazette for Volume 145 and Assistant News Editor for Volume 144.

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