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HomeNewsVice President Internal: Ali Barnaby

Vice President Internal: Ali Barnaby

Name: Ali Barnaby 

Year and program: 2nd year, Political Science


Why are you running/what made you decide to run?

I was really drawn to the VPI portfolio for the work they do with DSU Societies. As a student leader myself, I understand how difficult it can be to juggle school, society leadership, part-time work, and extracurriculars all at once. One of the reasons why I’m running for Vice President Internal is because I recognize the need for more society support across all Dalhousie campuses. One thing I’m really looking to introduce if elected is bookable Society Support Staff. They would consist of student hires that are trained to assist DSU societies with event, programming, etc. This could be a bookable resource for societies on each of our campuses.


What are your goals if elected?

If elected, I hope to accomplish three main things:

1) Centralize society resources by creating a Society101 manual that would be featured on the DSU website as an electronic resource for students;

2) Create an emergency bursary up to $500 accessible to all students of the DSU; and

3) Prioritize a new proactive working relationship between the DSU VPI and DSU societies.


What is something interesting about you that the student body might be interesting in knowing?

In 2015, I took a year off from school to work as a Project Assistant of the Mesgi’g Uju’s’n Windfarm. The MU Windfarm is the largest Mi’gmaq owned and operated wind farm in Mi’gmaq territory.


Quick facts: the wind farm has 47 turbines and generates enough electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 30,000 households (MU Website, 2016)

  1. What are the responsibilities of the Vice President Internal?

The Vice President Internal is the second in command at the DSU. They oversee all DSU communications, as well as, actively work to support students through societies.
The VPI also sits on the Dal Reads Committee; Chairs the Student accessibility bursary committee; Oversees the E&A Office, and usually sits on some of the universities policy committees as a student rep. I know this year, Alex sat on the Gender Affirmation policy committee.


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