“The phone rings – it’s the RCMP. I’m on the phone with the RCMP, I hear all this screaming and yelling in the background, ‘Coach! You gotta get me out of here. Coach, they’re gonna keep me here!’ The RCMP officers says, ‘I’m sorry, he can’t get out from the game’—I was trying to get him out for the game. Here’s the story: he meets this girl with a bunch of friends of his and he really likes the girl and they’re very friendly. So the girl, they exchange phone numbers. She says she’s staying in the hotel about five miles down the road and Peter’s going to meet her. Peter, knowing he could be late getting back, he changes into his entire football uniform and he walks down the main street…the girl is in the hotel room waving at him on the first floor, so he starts toward the door and she’s pointing toward the window. So he starts climbing into the window of the hotel room and the girl disappears. They’d already called the cops, police pull up, grab Peter for breaking and entering and off he goes to the clinker.”
-Bob Thayer, Tigers coach, 19373-77
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