We’re hiring

Apply for a staff position with the Dalhousie Gazette for the 2024-25 publishing year!

Check out the available positions below and click the job title for a link to the full job description and application requirements. Please note all applicants must be Dalhousie or King’s students.

For questions related to the hiring process, please contact chair@dalgazette.com. The editor-in-chief, director of finance and operations and managing editor applications are due June 28. All other applications are due July 5.


Managing editor

Director of Finance and Operations

In this image: Gazette twitter logo

News editor

Opinions editor

Arts & Culture editor

Sports editor


Director of Marketing and Growth

chair@dalgazette.com| The Dalhousie Gazette
Dalhousie Student Union Building | 6136 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4J2