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Chit chats on campus

Keshav Paliwal, first year Dal student

1) What program will you be starting at Dal?

I will be starting my BA, and majoring in Political Science.


2) What are you most excited about this year?

Meeting new people and learning new things!


3) What do you think will be the biggest change from high school?

I think having to be more independent and relying on myself more.


4) Do you have any fears about starting university?

I’m worried if I am doing the right thing and in the right program, and worried if I’m going to be able to succeed.


5) What is one goal you have set for yourself for your first year?

To meet lots of people, be really active and study hard.


Mary McNulty, Dalhousie Residence Assistant

1) How long have you been an RA?

I’ve only been an RA for one year! I’m heading into my second year as a member of the residence life team, but this time I’m taking on the role of Senior RA!

2) What building do you work in?

Last year I was in Risley hall, but this upcoming school year I’ll be in Shirref Hall, specifically in Newcombe.

3) What do you think is the most exciting thing about starting school at Dal?

Dal has such a friendly and welcoming environment. I think the most exciting thing about starting school at Dal is the strong sense of community that the faculties, professors and members of the ResLife team cultivate.

4) What is the most stressful thing about university?

The most stressful thing about university would have to be learning how to manage your time appropriately. When it comes down to it, it can be very difficulty to find time for academics, a social life, exercise, and, most importantly, yourself.

5) What goal do you want to complete by the end of the year?

A goal that I’d like to reach by the end of the year would have to be finding the balance between everything mentioned above! It’s my third year so hopefully the third time is the charm!

Kathleen Reid, DSU President

1) What are you most excited about this year?

There is a lot to be excited about this year at Dalhousie. Internally, I’m excited for the new executive team. Having worked with them this summer, everyone has shown such a passion and dedication for the job that we can only expect great things from everyone. As well, the team’s mentality to work together and communicate across our positions has been amazing. It’s truly easy to work together in a collaborative environment.

Externally, I am so very excited for the official permanent installment of the Mi’kmaq flag on Dalhousie Studley Campus. This has been such a long time coming and the fact that the university has agreed to fly the flag permanently on campus is a step towards more meaningful land recognition. The ceremony will take place in October 2016, as a part of Dalhousie’s Mi’kmaq History Month, and Treaty Day. The raising of this flag is not only a symbol of inclusivity and representation, but an opportunity for education.


2) What is one goal you are hoping to accomplish before the end of the school year?

There is so much that this year’s team is interested in accomplishing. The DSU has been focusing on accessible education for a long time now. Something that I believe is actually tangible this year is achieving accessible education for students who come from low-income families. This could look like eliminating tuition or freezing tuition for specific students. The goal of accessible education for all students is actually becoming more achievable with strides being made across the country on a provincial basis. Our focus now is seeing how we can apply programs like those being carried out in Ontario to our systems in Nova Scotia.



3) What was your most embarrassing moment from first year?

I don’t know that I have any embarrassing moments from first year, but I did spend my first year living in Residence, Howe Hall (Cameron House). I think a pretty embarrassing aspect of my time spent there is that I actually spent all of my time there. I barely left campus and hardly ever ventured outside the city. It’s really easy to get comfortable on campus, but there are so many opportunities to get to know Halifax, especially with all of the resources that Dal has to offer. You can go on expeditions for free with a ton of different programs like Dal After Dark, or the Dal Outdoors Society. It took me a while to get to know the city I live in, but once I stepped out of my comfort zone, my university experience got so much better.


4) In just a few sentences, what do you think is the biggest issue students face at Dalhousie?

There are so many issues that Dal students face on a daily basis. One of the biggest ones that I think we should be focusing on this year is accessibility. There are a ton services for students at Dal that are meant to better student life, but often these services go unheard of to the general community, or do not serve students the way that they are meant to. Students should be aware of what the University has to offer, and what the Student Union has to offer. More importantly, they should have somewhere to go if they feel like a service is not meeting their needs.


5) If you could give one piece of advice to the students starting this year, what would it be?

Get involved. Volunteer, come out to events, or join a society. University is about achieving your academic goals, but there are so many other opportunities along the way. You have so much time to decide on what path you want to take, and university is the best time for you to try things out. If I could go back to first year and tell myself one thing, it would be to take as many chances as possible, because it’s the best way to figure out what works for you.


Matthew Madill, Masters of Business Administration student

1) What program are you in currently at Dalhousie?

I’m completing Dal’s corporate residency MBA.


2) What is your favourite place to relax between classes?

That would be my apartment, because I live right beside King’s College.


3) If you could only eat at one place on campus for the rest of your life, where would it be?

The burger place (GrilleWorks) in the Life Sciences Centre cafeteria because they have the best fries I have ever eaten!


4) What was your most fun O-Week experience?

My most fun experience during my O-Week was playing capture the flag at night in the quad.


5) As someone with one degree already under your belt, what advice would you give to first-year students?

Don’t just do school, you need to have extracurricular and volunteering as well. Those things will set you apart and show that you can do more than just school work.


6) What are you most excited for this year at Dal?

To be able to get some extra time off with our new fall reading week.


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