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HomeNewsDal Votes 2015, Candidate Profile: Jeremy Banks

Dal Votes 2015, Candidate Profile: Jeremy Banks

Name: Jeremy Banks

Hometown: West Coast, Vancouver, BC

Program: Community Design

Nominated for: Senate

Relevant experience: Years with member-based organizations, chairperson and treasurer for various non-profits, organizer with Divest Dalhousie, board member with the Society of Undergraduate Planners and Your Environment Sustainability Society, founded Sustainabeerity, DSU Divestment Commissioner

Jerry Banks
(Photo by Tahrim Alam)


Dalhousie Gazette: Why are you running for a senate seat?

Jeremy Banks: Because it is an extension of Divest Dalhousie. I want to make sure students’ voices are heard. The senate has seven student voices and only three are undergrad. I want to make sure that faculty understand the needs and wants [which] may range from encouraging Dalhousie to divest from fossil fuels to having their voices heard and making sure Senate can support students while students support Senate.

I want to run for Senate because I want to engage Senate in student affairs and I want to make students more aware of Senate affairs. What I love about my Community Design Program is the opportunity to engage the community, which is critical for fair representation.

DG: What role do you see Senate having in the upcoming year?

JB: In the upcoming year, Senate has a lot beyond just deciding program needs and requirements. They are also the primary academic advising group to the Board of Governors who run Dalhousie. In the upcoming year, the role is going be to do what they do best and represent the needs of staff and students, and hopefully include Dalhousie to consider divesting from fossil fuels.

DG: What policy experience do you have?

JB: I have experience with member-based organizations to govern the way they move forward, and seven years with not-for-profit organizations. I am also the DSU commissioner on divestment, I consider all policies that DSU currently have with their divestment.

DG: If you were on the Senate this year, what issue would you bring to the table?

JB: That’s not for me alone to decide. I would ask what the students would want.

DG: What committees would you hope to serve on if elected, and why?

JB: You’re putting the cart before the horse. Let’s get elected first!

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity. 


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