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HomeNewsDalhousie10 ways to prepare for a strike…

10 ways to prepare for a strike…

Class photo by Calum Agnew.
Class photo by Calum Agnew.

With the Dalhousie Faculty Association putting pressure on Dal’s administration by issuing a strike vote, it’s time for students to think about the serious possibility of a strike.

1. Write to the Dalhousie administration about how this strike is affecting you. The reason the Dal Faculty Association would go on strike is to pressure the administration. By adding pressure through letters, emails or phone calls, you may help to get their point across. DO NOT wait for a strike to add this pressure. Make your voice heard now.

2. Talk to your profs about sharing emails in case either professors or students are locked out of OWL, the Dal email server. We will not know there is a strike until it is actually occurring. By exchanging emails you can keep in touch with your profs and classmates and stay in the loop.

3. Download your readings and assignments off OWL in case they are inaccessible during a strike.

4. In case of strike, keep calm and carry on (with your assignments, that is).

5. Notify your summer employer about what is going on. It could be that a few weeks will be added to the end of the semester should a strike occur. This has happened in the past. This way, if you need to stay in Halifax to finish the semester your employer won’t be caught looking for a temporary replacement at the last minute.


Should steps one through five fail, refer to steps seven through nine:

6. Write a cheque for $1,000,000 made out to Dalhousie University so money is a non-issue and faculty can all get their full pensions. PROBLEM SOLVED.

7. Buy 1,000,000 Lotto 6/49 tickets in the name of Dalhousie University.

8. Transfer to another school that is not on strike. That will send a message.

9. Rip out the remaining pages from your Dalhousie agenda and burn them. With no classes or assignments, there really is no reason to update your agenda. Besides, this little act of resourcefulness will heat up your cold student house.

10. If steps one through nine should fail and a strike ensues, remember to turn off your alarm and sleep in. Because, baby, you’re not going to class.


With files from Lucy Dykhuis, News Contributor.

Katrina Pyne
Katrina Pyne
Katrina was Editor-in-chief of the Gazette for Volume 145 and News Editor for Volume 144.

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