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HomeSportsBasketball2014's Most Eligible Tigers

2014’s Most Eligible Tigers

They’re hot. They’re athletic. They’re talented.

But most importantly…they’re single.

We’ve hand-picked seven of Dalhousie’s most eligible varsity bachelors and bachelorettes, sat down with them and got a better a sense of the do’s and don’ts of their love lives off the field of play.

Whether you’re looking for a swimmer who gets freaky to Lady Gaga, or a basketball player who likes to two-step, we’ve got all that and more.

So strap in, it’s time for the third edition of Dalhousie’s Most Eligible Tigers. Take notes, folks. An opportunity like this doesn’t arise every day.


Ainsley Fraser AminHelal

Ainsley Fraser, 20
Marine Biology

She’s fresh on the market: I’ve never really been in a real relationship.
Start hitting the gym, guys: I like a guy with great abs and who is athletic.
Dating deal-breaker: A smoker.
Favourite song to hook up to: Kaboom – Lady Gaga
First kiss: By the toilets at summer camp.
Don’t take her to: The casino.
Valentine’s Day thoughts?: Great excuse to eat a lot of candy.
Celebrity crush: Jimmy Fallon.
In her free time, you can catch her: On Buzzfeed.
Why should someone date you?: Our suits leave nothing to the imagination.
Her downtown spot: Sadly, usually the Dome. But Alehouse is fun, too.



Sarah Taplin, 19
Triple Jump, Hurdles and Long Jump

She prides herself on her: Butt.
First kiss: On a bus trip to Saint John there was a bump in the road then we kissed. And then my friend hated me because she had a crush on him.
Longest relationship: A year. And I hated it.
Her turn on: Flow.
Favourite song to hook up to: Freak My Shit – New Boys, but I really don’t care about the song.
Don’t take her to: The movies. I work at the movie theatre but surprisingly hate movies.
Off the track, catch her: Shopping and getting her nails professionally done.
Would you ever date a fan?: No, because I feel they’d have high expectations.
Why should someone date you?: It only takes me three steps to get dirty.
Meet her at: Toothy.


Alexandra Gunn (Photo by Amin Helal)
Alexandra Gunn (Photo by Amin Helal)

Alexandra Gunn, 18

Her first kiss: I don’t kiss and tell
She’s easy to please: I’ve never really had a “bad date.”
Favourite song to hook up to: It really doesn’t matter.
Her favourite Halifax spot: Darrell’s.
Away from the pool, you can catch her: Exploring downtown Halifax, especially the restaurants.
A guy who can sing or dance?: Definitely dance.
She’ll give so much more than she gets: I do believe in soulmates, but I definitely haven’t met them yet.
On a first date, don’t take her to: A strip joint. I know as swimmers we’re half-naked all the time, but still.
She swoons over: The Hemsworth brothers.
Why should someone date you?: I like it on my back and front.


Dan Joyce (Photo by Amin Helal)
Dan Joyce (Photo by Amin Helal)

Dan Joyce, 25

He’s not afraid of commitment: My longest relationship was four years. I’m a keeper.
Start showin’ the pearly whites: She’s got to have a great smile.
Make sure to relax: I like a girl who’s comfortable and likes to have fun.
Belt it out: She’s got to be able to sing in the car with me.
First kiss: In grade 7 I asked a girl if I gave her some Skittles if I could kiss her and she said yes.
Shortest relationship: One middle school dance.
Worst date: Took a girl to the market, got a spicy wrap and I was sweatin’ across the table all night.
Who makes the first move?: I’m usually the one to make a scene and break the ice.
Love at first sight?: Hope so. Still looking for it.
Celebrity crush: Rachel McAdams
Favourite hook up song: Adore You – Miley Cyrus
Why should someone date you?: Not much of a goal scorer, but the only place I do score goals is the five-hole.
Find him at: The Lower Deck



John Traboulsi, 21

What do you do off the court?: I’ve been a guitar player for 12 years.
What he looks for: Smile, humour and a nice ass.
Ideal first date: Take her to a hockey game.
Take him out dancing: Not grinding, more like the 2-step.
First kiss: In kindergarden, I was in swimming lessons with the same girl and it just happened one day.
Turn off: A girl who’s super needy.
Love at first sight?: Yes.
Celebrity crush: Katrina Bowden
Song he hooks up to: Anything by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Last movie that made him cry: Armageddon
Why should someone date you?: Coach always says take it to the hole.
Find him at: Alehouse


Kashrell Lawrence (Photo by Amin Helal)
Kashrell Lawrence (Photo by Amin Helal)

Kashrell Lawrence, 20

Thoughts on Valentine’s Day?: It’s overrated.
Likes a good ‘smize’: The smile and the eyes just draw you in.
And a little personality: She has to be funny and easy to talk to. She can’t be a doorknob.
His turn on: A little confidence and aggression.
Don’t take him to: The movie theatre.
Worst date: Went for dinner and a movie, then went for dessert, then she got all emotional and left. Didn’t see or talk to her for the next month.
Such a thing as soulmates?: I think someone’s always there for somebody and there’s always a pairing.
Celebrity crush: Katy Perry
Favourite song to hook up to: I’ll Make Love To You – Boys II Men
Last movie that made him cry: The Lion King
Why should someone date you?: When the time comes, I go hard in the paint.
Find him at: Taboo



Will Russell, 18
Cross-country/Track and Field

His best trait: Clumsiness. It comes in handy.
Prides himself in: My calves.
He digs: A girl’s hair and lower back.
First kiss: Grade 8, in the back of the bus on the way back from the museum.
Ideal first date: I had a nice date getting frozen yogurt and then walked around the park in Waterloo.
Worst date: On Canada Day, we went to see the fireworks, but ended up hanging with her brother all night.
Love at first sight?: Yes.
Turn off: A girl who’s really rude.
Celebrity crush: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Favourite song to hook up to: Come On Get Higher – Matt Nathanson
Last movie to make you cry: Finding Nemo
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day?: It got worse when people stopped giving me chocolate.
Why should someone date you?: I can go average speeds for long periods of time.

Rapid-fire questions:

Boxers or briefs?
Will: Boxer-briefs
Dan: Boxer-briefs
Kashrell: Boxer-briefs
John: Boxer-briefs
Ainsley: Briefs
Sarah: Briefs
Alex: Briefs

Sex on a first date?
Will: Sexy
Dan: Sexy
Kashrell: Sexy
John: Sexy
Ainsley: Sexy
Sarah: Sexy
Alex: Skanky

Will: It can be sexy
Dan: Skanky
Kashrell: Skanky
John: Skanky
Ainsley: Stupid.
Sarah: Skanky
Alex: Skanky

Dancing on the table?
Will: Skanky
Dan: Sexy
Kashrell: Skanky
John: Skanky
Ainsley: Skanky
Sarah: Skanky
Alex: Skanky

Bar makeout with a stranger?
Will: Sexy
Dan: Sexy
Kashrell: Skanky
John: Sexy
Ainsley: Skanky
Sarah: Skanky
Alex: Skanky

Dating age range?
Will: 17-23
Dan: 19-28
Kashrell: 18-25
John: Golden rule: divide by two, add 7 (youngest) – 26
Ainsley: It doesn’t really matter.
Sarah: 19-26
Alex: 18-23

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Graeme Benjamin
Graeme Benjamin
Graeme is the Gazette's Sports Editor. He was the Assistant Sports Editor for Volume 145.

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