Friday, March 14, 2025

Mad Libs

________________ ,

by ______________


The first leaf of autumn had fallen and ________ found himself/herself/itself ________ ________________. If he/she/it _________ his/her/its head to the right, she/he/it could hear _________________ rising and falling from the ____________. It sounded like ______________. Maybe it was______________, celebrating the __________.   ________. He/she/it/(insert character name) looked down and smoothed the folds of his/her outfit: a _______________. Why had he/she/it decided to wear _________ ___________ with its ___________, and ___________________, resembling nothing so much as a __________. Maybe no one had noticed.

As he/she/it/(insert character name) turned to brush __________ from his/her _________, he/she caught his/her reflection in _______________.  Why had she/he/it even come to this ______________. “That’s the last time _______________,” she/he/it said out loud. But ___________’s words were lost in the eruption of _____________ behind him/her. “Who’s there?” she/he called.

__________ moved out of the _________.

“_____________,”  _________________ said, _______________.

“_____________” Then, all of a sudden _______ _______ and _______________ _______________

__________ ________________ ________  which made  ____________   realize___________ ___________________ _______________ _________________.

Editor’s Note: This writing exercise was sent to us by Dalhousie’s newest creative writing professor. Read all about her.


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