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HomeUncategorizedDal Votes 2015, Candidate Profile: Mahbubur Rahman

Dal Votes 2015, Candidate Profile: Mahbubur Rahman

Name: Mahbubur Rahman

Age: 34

Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Program: Civil Engineering

Nominated for: Vice President (Finance and Operations)

Relevant experience: Current DSU VP (Finance and Operations), VP (Finance) for the Dalhousie Engineering Society in 2013-2014

Mahbubur Rahman

Dalhousie Gazette: Why do you hope to have this job again next year?

Mahbubur Rahman: Many people told me I would be burned out after one year in this position, but fortunately, I’m really enjoying it. I think the experience that I got this year will really be helpful for the DSU for next year, because it’s a very important position to support the union and students.

DG: What would you do differently next year?

MB: Starting next year it will be different for me. The first year, with any job, you have to get used to what is there and what is not there. But now, this year I am more experienced. I know how the position works. With all the experience I have this year I can support other executives’ initiatives. Next year will be a challenging year for the DSU as the Student Union Building renovations are happening. My previous experience will be helpful to manage the budget and the operational part of the renovations. Apart from that I will continue to do the work I’m doing, with perhaps a more efficient and confident manner.

DG: What do you think of the fact you’re running uncontested? 

MB: Many people who had interest in this position knew that I was planning on re-running. Of course there are plenty of students who are capable of this position but my re-running is a good signal to them to go for it. 

DG: Do you think the DSU should release an itemized budget every year? Why, why not? 

MB: Yes, I think the DSU’s budget should be transparent. Last year there was no summary of the budget available, but this year I’m trying to get as much information available to the council and the student body. But saying that the salaries of certain members that should not be published online. We’re working on a way that our itemized budget should be available to the general public.

DG: How do you determine what budget items deserve more funding than others?

MB: Priorities and initiatives of the executives were important this year, and it goes for next year as well. Within this years budget I was trying to increase more money to the societies and it’s members. From my understanding whichever way helps students more, either directly or indirectly, that’s the priority. We should also be more efficient in our operations so we can focus on the student’s needs.


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