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HomeArts & Culture7 movies to feel lucky about in 2013

7 movies to feel lucky about in 2013



1. Man of Steel – This needs to be good in order to make up for the blasphemous Super Man Returns that unfortunately flew to the world in 2006. It was just a movie where Superman pranced around and hid in bushes like the Halifax night watcher. The trailer does look promising, although director Zack Snyder did manage to mess up the comic—ahem, I mean, graphic novel—Watchmen (2009).


2. Evil Dead–  It’s tough to say if this movie will actually live up to the original: the director has little credit to his name, and the original 1981 version is brilliant. Still, a horror buff can dream, and my dream is to see some chain saw dwelling protagonist like Ash square off against the dead with sheer brutality.


3. The Place Beyond the Pines– A crime story infused with a bleached-blonde dirt-biking Ryan Gosling: do you need any more information to see this film? I would even watch a movie where Gosling fixes a broken sink in order to compete in a checkers competition hosted in Oregon.


4. Star Trek Into Darkness:  After J.J. Abram’s Star Trek (2009), even Klingon-hating, William-Shatner-despising earthlings were raving about the franchise.  Into Darkness looks like another impressive accomplishment by Abrams.  Let’s hope this delivers like Wrath of Khan. (I hope somebody got that reference.)


5. Anchorman 2: If I didn’t include this on the list, I would probably get attacked by a stampede of automatons whose redundant Anchorman quotes are more annoying than those 20-second advertisements before a YouTube video. Hopefully this movie is funny, and hopefully it’s not constantly quoted by a bunch of drunken frat boys.


6. Oldboy– This is a North American remake of the evocative and beautiful Korean revenge film.  Seriously, try eating any sort of seafood after this one. I don’t know why Spike Lee is attached, though—where is David Fincher when you need him?


7. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For– Finally, this movie is pushed out of the bleak world of production purgatory and is set to come out in October.  This movie will undoubtedly be amazing, and provide yet another lame Jessica Alba poster for the bright minds of Dalhousie.



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