All photos are by Leandra Villermet. For more this week on local food in Halifax, click here.
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Re-used boxes are used for transporting produce
Local farmers earn a hard living
Apples for sale!
A farm stand at the Halifax Seaport Market
A market employee looks up from his work
Friedel Kungl, son of local organic farmer
Kale for sale
The Hutten Family Farm
‘Golden’, Hutten’s right-hand man
CSA boxes waiting to be filled
Contractors repair a farm building
Ted Hutten, a local vegetable and fruit farmer in the Annapolis Valley
Hutten lost about 15,000lb of apples due to a shortage of labour
A muddy field under a November morning sun
Carrot harvesting
One of Hutten’s employees pauses for a moment during a hard day of work
A dusty farm vehicle
From farm to kitchen
Local food can be a gourmet experience
Proud cooks pose with their butternut squash casserole
Local produce reaches the dinner plate
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