Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Grad school

Is grad school the right choice for you? (photo by Bryn Karcha)
A master of arts is not inherently bad–it’s what you make it. (Photo by Bryn Karcha)

As many students know, there’s been a lot of media coverage talking about the uselessness of the arts: an undergrad in English (for example) is a waste of time, and a master’s is just another bad decision.

I myself am an arts student at Dalhousie, and I wouldn’t consider anything else.  My major is sociology, my minor is journalism at the University of King’s College, and my floating subject is psychology.  In my two years studying at Dal, I’ve started to love these topics (especially journalism).  After graduating Dal, I am planning on continuing on in either a bachelor or master’s program in journalism at King’s.

Other students react to this decision with comments such as: “that is a waste of time and money,” “anyone could write an article, so it would be stupid of you to go further,” and “you could be doing something better than journalism after graduation, like science.”

I don’t think these statements are fair or accurate. Going to grad school is a great way to expand your interests; if you are good at a certain subject, continue on with it and see where it takes you. If that means getting a job right after university or sticking around for a few more years to finish a master’s program, that’s fine— after all, it’s your decision.

Grad school is a great way to explore different opportunities in education, and it could potentially get you ahead in your future career.  However, before you make the decision to go to grad school, think about what you want to do first.  After all, it’s a lot of time and money, so I would advise you to think twice, make sure you know what career path you want take, and talk to an advisor to make sure this is the right decision for you.

Grad school is optional—and it’s not for everyone.



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