Monday, March 3, 2025
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Letter from the Editor: Trying times

Dear Reader,

I didn’t expect my last weeks at the Dalhousie Gazette to look like this. But here we are.

After having a teleconference with the Canadian University Press, as well as a Zoom meeting with several staff members, I have made the difficult decision not to print our last issue (moving it to online-only). It doesn’t seem fair to have our delivery driver distributing papers at a time when we’re supposed to be practicing social distancing. And, as fewer people are frequenting campus and even cafes, it’s a practical decision as well as a moral one.

I will continue to upload stories on until the end of April. That said, don’t expect daily updates.

Most of our staff members, except me, are part-time. Their physical and mental health comes first, so I am not asking them to work extra hours to cover the COVID-19 pandemic. Halifax has great full-time reporters who are doing extensive coverage, including Gazette alum Graeme Benjamin at Global.

We won’t be able to keep up with breaking news the way full-time journalists can. I will, however, continue to monitor the news and provide updates on our website and social media whenever I can. These updates will focus on news that directly affects students specifically. If you’d like to speak to us about your experience during this situation, our inboxes, as ever, are open. Let us know what we can do to keep the student body informed.

In the meantime, students should visit and for more information.

Stay safe and look after one another.

P.S. You may also be wondering if we’re still hiring. We are! Job interviews will be conducted on Zoom or Skype for the foreseeable future, but positions for the next school year are open for applicants until at least March 27.


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